PB_hack 2.4 Special Ammo Global (60) + Anti Vote 1000% + Wallhack For Pb Indo + Pb Phie Updates 13 Oct 2011 - 14 Oct 2011

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Fitur hack V24

<<<->>> Wallhack Bersih
<<<->>> Chams tero
<<<->>> Chams CT
<<<->>> Unlimited AMMO Global (60)
<<<->>> Wallhack Philipina Mode
<<<->>> Anti kick Vote (Kalau Di Kick Org lain ntar gak akan bisa)
<<<->>> Damage Sg Still AMmo Global ON

Hotkeys :

<<<->>> Home : On/Off Menu hack
<<<->>> Right Arrow : On Cheat
<<<->>> Left Arrow  : Off Cheat
<<<->>> Casplock    : Ammo ON
<<<->>> Insert      : Anti Vote
<<<->>> AMM On ++DMg: Ammo Di On kan SG ++ damage nya 20% (Damage SG)

Tutorial :

<<<->>> Buka PB Launcher
<<<->>> Buka Cheat/Inject , masukan passnya
<<<->>> Start PB
<<<->>> Keluar notice Okok saja,,
<<<->>> happy Cheatting

Credit :

Me(Casablanca) / ANdrie-DK

Thanks to : 

Andrie Danang Kurniawan 13 Oct, 2011

Source: http://andriepekalongancheater.blogspot.com/2011/10/pbhack-24-special-ammo-global-60-anti.html
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